Walk the walk...

Walk the walk. We can all say or claim we are something. An artist, a creative, a chef, a parent, an enneagram type, an introvert, an extrovert a...but it’s when we take action that we truly take on the characteristics. Becoming a parent highlighted this so much for me. Kids notice what you do. Your daily actions. There are many times in my life I have said things and not fully lived them. Rather than trying to change the past, I’m taking little actions now.

.It’s not so much about “being an artist” to me anymore. It is about creating daily, growing as a person, having a flexible schedule, sharing my art and information with others, being a constant student of the world. What does being an artist mean to you? What does that life embody that you want more of in your life? How can you bring some of those elements into your daily routine?


Everything is a Risk


Portrait Basics - Art Fundamentals