Travel Days Series - Giza Egypt
Our next stop for our Travel Days Series is to…Giza, Egypt! Our Travel Days Series our a sequence of lessons, ideas, and prompts to inspire your art practice. Whether you have a consistent art practice or you are new to art, my hope is that these short FREE lessons will help to inspire you to create a routine in your art practice or serve as a way to explore new places from the comfort of your home! For more in depth classes, please visit our website.
For this prompt, we will be exploring Giza, Egypt in our art journals using a variety of mediums. I recently had a dream that took place in the desert of Egypt filled with symbolism. I gathered the notes and ideas from my dream and then did some of my own research on the area. I find dreams to be such a great way to inspire your work and filter through your subconscious.
Giza, is a city in Egypt known for its vast deserts and pyramids. The country hosts over 100 pyramids, each a tomb to the deceased. With the constant reminder of life and death of the tombs, the incredible adaptation of the wildlife in the desert, and the rich history of Egypt we have lots to inspire our journals. I found the adaptation of the camels to be very symbolic of how we have to adapt in both life and on our own travels. I wanted to run with this idea creating my own narrative. Lets get started!
Liquitex Clear and White Gesso
Collage or Ephemera
Speedball Super Black Waterproof India Ink
For royalty free photographs to inspire your artwork, please visit our Unsplash collection.
Photograph from Unsplash