Nepal Prayer Flag Video


Prayer flags can be seen throughout Nepal. Whether you are in a rural or metropolitan area, these beautiful and meaningful flags are draped across the skies bringing peace, compassion, wisdom and strength to all. Each flag is woodblock printed and has a blessing or intention on them. When hung outside in the sky, it is believed that the wind carries these messages. Faded flags represent a blessing or mantra that has been answered. The flags are traditionally five different colors, each representing a different element - yellow = earth, green = water, red = fire, white = air/cloud/wind and blue = sky/space.

For this month’s Art Passports projects I wanted to work on an abstract prayer flag painting, a mini portrait series reflecting the elements of each flag, and a kids/family project where we create our own prayer flags using our own intentions or mantras. Below is my mini portrait series tutorial. More to come on the abstract and kids project!


Sadhu Portrait Painting


Nepalese Cuisine