Japan Wabi Sabi: Accepting the Imperfect

Wabi Sabi, a philosophy rooted in Japan has served as an inspiration to me while studying Japan through our Art Passports journey. Several years ago, I read Beth Kempton’s book, Wabi Sabi and her words have resonated with me ever since. I have since expanded my research on the subject and have embraced the imperfect in my life, art and house. Wabi Sabi is difficult to precisely define but it embodies the appreciation of simplicity, the discovery of beauty within, and embracing life’s changes.

Acceptance of the imperfect, what a thing to strive for in our daily lives. Learning to embrace our own flaws and those of others and see this world in all its messy beauty. Letting go of the planning and idealizations that in a moments notice inevitably will change.

“Wabi Sabi is deeply connected to the kind of beauty which reminds us of the transient nature of life.”
— Beth Kempton

Kids Project: Japanese Kimono Designs


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