
We often wait until a New Year, or the “right” time, or the perfect opportunity to create intentions or goals for ourselves. Why wait? NOW is the best time to start.

One of the many reasons I love researching and studying from other countries is that I get to find deeper meaning in the concepts and things I see.

 When I studied Nepal, I learned more about the significance of prayer flags. I had seen these beautifully draped flags for many years but never knew the great significance behind them. Prayer flags are meant to send mantras or intentions into the world by way of the wind. It is believed that when the flags have faded in color, the message has been received from the universe. I believe we all receive messages from the universe. If we trust in our intuition and allow ourselves to be present, we will begin to recognize these messages all around us. These signs or messages may be small such as a butterfly landing on your shoulder but they can have significance to each and every one of us.


What intentions do you want to set for your creative path or life?

I like to start by creating an intention for the day / week / month and then try my best to implement that intention in my daily life. I like to do art journal exercises and writing based on the intention selected. This helps me connect on a deeper level to the intentions meaning. Depending on when you set your intention, its meaning can vary for you.

Lost on where to start?

I often use these Chakra Wisdom Oracle Cards to help with my daily intentions. Each card has a different intention which helps direct you and allow you to manifest your goals and dreams. There is a description and meditation prompt on each card as well.

To learn more about the prayer flags, you can access our FREE ONLINE ART LESSON on Nepal Prayer Flag Portraits below.


Mexico Inspired Calavera Project


Flower Crown Project