Disconnect to Reconnect...

Does anyone else feel like everything comes all at once? We can constantly be BUSY if we don't intentionally take the time for ourselves and that which is most important in our lives. Recently, I posted about disconnecting in order to reconnect. When I feel like I am on overload, the best way for me to move forward is to step away. Even if just for a moment. I know, it seems counter productive, but it always seems to help.

 Make a list of outlets or experiences that bring you the most joy. When you get in that overwhelmed mindset, take a look at that list and do one of them. Here are some on my list to help you get started…play with my kids, go outdoors, yoga, road trip, study a new country, travel, field trip, take photos, study new art techniques, listen to a new podcast, pick up a new book, browse an estate sale, try a new restaurant, meet a friend for coffee… 

As artists and creatives, we need space to play, imagine, explore, and develop. Constantly being “on” is not possible. We need time to think, time to get inspired, time to learn and grow.  

How do you take time for yourself as a creative?


From Concept to Canvas


Virtual Art Summit 2021