Your Inner Journey...Travel Within

We talk a lot in our art classes and lessons about travel and our external adventures. These experiences prove time and time again to teach us lessons about ourselves and the world as long as we are receptive to them. We grow in so many ways when we travel. We expand our sense of self, we get out of our comfort zones, we stay open and compassionate to different viewpoints, and we learn about new places and cultures just to name a few.

Today I wanted to talk about something even more important to our growth. Traveling within ourselves…our inner journey. In order to grow in all the ways listed above we must first spend time traveling through our own emotions and inner most desires. What is something new you can discover about yourself today? Maybe it is something you once knew but was lost? Travel within, see what you feel. How do you talk to yourself? Are you distracted or in the moment? What drives your daily decisions? What makes you want to create? Think of yourself as a new destination to discover. With a fresh set of eyes do some deep digging and see what you uncover about yourself.

For today, we will travel within.

For this art prompt, I wanted to follow my own road map and see where it lead me. This is a prompt I see myself repeating in my life as the end results will be different each time. Ask yourself some of the questions above. What comes up for you? Do you have symbols, images, dreams, memories, feelings, thoughts, ideas, people in your life that come to mind? Take those and run with them.Your journey can represent yourself as you are now or a version of yourself you wish to be in the future.

I ended up using a photograph of someone else but you can use an image of yourself if this helps you feel more connected to the piece. I felt strongly that I wanted someone holding their heart. For me this symbolized an open heart, filled with compassion. A sense of fogiveness for self and others. Symbols of growth and change. Maps to connect to my internal path used as a reminder to look internally for guidance rather than externally. The body painted as a sky, symbolic of a Sanskrit phrase representing one’s inner sky or your inner world. This idea reminded me that all I need to move forward is within me. What images can you bring into your piece to make them unique to your own journey right now?

As always, we would love to see your work! Share on social media using

#kristykensingerart #artglobalspirit #artpassports


A Daily Routine Lead by Values


Start to Finish - Art Fundamentals Series