Ways to Unplug on your Travels

I am going to age myself…BUT when I used to hop on an airplane I was far away. Not far away as in distance, but I could truly escape. I had very little outlets to connect back home. Aside from SIM cards and temporary phones that seemed astronomical in price at the time, I often travelled knowing I would be unplugged for the entirety of the trip. There was an occasional text message or email letting friends or family know I made it to the destination but otherwise I was fully present where I had landed. It was the essence of being present. Now that we have many options and outlets for communication, I long for ways to disconnect during my travels. I have gathered some ideas to help you unplug when on the road. Throwback photograph Versailles, France.

When this photo was taken in Versailles, Facebook just started to become a thing but we hardly used it at this point. The first part of my trip, I travelled solo and then meet up with a dear friend. We relied solely on destinations points and times to meet up. Travel and communication looks just a little bit different since this photo was taken but we can all still find ways to unplug so we can truly connect to the moment.

So how do we find ways to unplug on our travels so we truly get a vacation?

  • Plan ahead. Try to think of your “must see” destinations and restaurants ahead of time. This will allow for less searching on your phone for places to go on your travels.

  • Bring a camera. Instead of relying on my phone for pictures, I use my digital camera to capture memories. This allows me to stay present and not get distracted by apps and messages on my phone.

  • Limit phone use to travel only apps. Trust me, the days I think I am going to trade my iPhone in for a flip phone, I think about the many memories of reading maps and getting incredibly lost. Use your phone for the best services it has to offer when traveling such as maps, language translators, and restaurant finders but drop the social, emails, messaging etc.

  • Pack a sketchbook. Paint or draw instead of scrolling. Observe and capture your memories in your journal.

  • Ask locals for suggestions. Rather than browsing apps and the webs for the best restaurants and attractions, ask a local. Most people love sharing about their city and culture.

  • Away messages. Make sure to have an automatic away message on your phone and email so people know when you are away.

  • Have to check in for work? I know, I know we can’t always be entirely unplugged. Sometimes we have to work on the road. Try making vacation work hours and stick to them. Decide how much time you need each day and carve away some time to work on off hours. Maybe you work early hours or quiet afternoons or a little before bed each night so you don’t feel like you are missing out on the experience.

  • Try to experience without posting. We are all so conditioned these days to have a moment and post about it. Showing the world what we are doing at every moment. There is something absolutely romantic about keeping some of those memories to you and the company you are with.


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