The Creative Process: Staying Inspired

What do you do when you don’t feel creative? How do you proceed with your process when you feel “stuck” as a creative? I find there is a lot of pressure to create on the spot. Our lives get busy and we all carve away certain hours of the day to be creative but what if you don’t feel creative in that exact moment? How do you move forward? First, be present. Show up to your studio, your desk, your kitchen table, wherever you like to work with some supplies.

  1. Exercise or get your body moving. I find if my body moves my mind can be more still for the rest of the day.

  2. Show up to your creative space and allow yourself to be present.

  3. Write down your to do list for the month / day /week. You can limit this to just your art or creative goals or to your full life goals to do list if this helps you get things off your mind.

  4. Read an inspiring quote or a few pages of your favorite book.

  5. Set the mood. Try lighting a candle or some sage and palo santo, meditating, bringing fresh flowers or foliage into your space, bringing nature inside, putting on some music, drinking your favorite tea or coffee.

  6. Art journal. Practice mark making, color palettes or new techniques in your art journal while you listen to music/a podcast/an art tutorial. Add ephemera or collage before making it your own with your own marks and color palette.

  7. Always remember to take the pressure off of yourself and enjoy the process. You won’t always create a masterpiece when you go to your space. You can’t always “turn on” your creativity but you can stay present with no outside distractions and allow time for creative thinking.

  8. Let your process evolve. These techniques work well for me but you will need to navigate what works best for you. Allow time to create, space to create, and be open to changes in your creative process.


Japanese Linocut & Woodblock Printing


Kids Project: Japanese Kimono Designs