Shivelight Art Exhibition

at G44 Gallery

August 6 - August 27

Opening Night August 6th 5:00-9:00pm

121 E. Boulder Street  
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Wednesday-Saturday 12pm - 5pm

There is no better connection to the present moment for me then stepping into nature. Through this year, I have been finding more outlets to still my mind and be right here in this exact moment. When I sit under a canopy of trees, I closely examine the light beams as the sun moves in the sky. The light pierces the leaves and branches then quickly disappears without a trace. They create these organic forms of shadow and light creating radiant patterns above. The sky and tress have this unpredictable rhythm that mimics our own lives. There is constant movement and energy whether you decide to move with them or stand still. We must shift our own energy at times with the changes in nature. I am constantly filled with a sense of wonder in awe when surrounded by the natural world. I think the closer we can bring that sense of wonder into our daily lives, we get closer to our own sense of stillness and joy. Through this exhibit, I grasp onto these deeper connections to nature illuminating my own energy and rhythms.


Displaying your work can be scary...


NEW CLASS Wild Soul - Open for Early Registration