Foraging Inspiration from Nature

I often seek nature as an escape. A release from day to day tasks or worries, a way to reconnect to my priorities, and to calm and ground myself. When I am outdoors I tend to appreciate the details that surround me more. Allowing myself to be fully present. Observing the way the sun hits the leaves, the layers of texture in my surroundings, and the way the ground smells after a snow storm. Nature is a constant reminder of the beauty that surrounds us.  

I love to take this inspiration and bring it back to my studio. Foraged collections, clay and rocks to grind for pigments, dried flowers and foliage all became traces throughout my studio that inspire my work. 

This year, I am exploring making my own natural pigments. I have gathered inspiration from sources at this point that I would love to share. 

Natural Earth Paint has so many amazing resources on their website and social media pages. They have information on how to make your own pigments (including recipes for different mediums), ideas from other artists, tips on how to be more eco-friendly as artists, and products you can purchase to get you started on your natural pigment journey.

I also discovered several books on natural pigments that I would recommend as well as some amazing artists to follow. I have to say all of these artist pages are SWOON WORTHY and so inspiring!


The Organic Artist: Make Your Own Paint, Paper, Pigments and Prints from Nature by Nick Neddo

Geology of Color by Lauren Sauder

Earthen Pigments: Hand‑gathering & Using Natural Color by Sandy Webster

Natural Palettes: Inspiration from Plant-Based Color by Sasha Duerr


Lauren Sauder, Tasha Cathey, Wild Pigment Project, Danielle Petti / Light and Pigment


Glass Muller & Palette

Natural Acrylic Medium

Walnut Oil

Dust Mask & Gloves


Mortar & Pestle


Earth & Mineral Pigments by Natural Earth Pigments

Botanical Inks

Pigment Sticks by Lauren Sauder

Petroglyph Dry Pigments by Scribes Ink Store

Handmade Watercolors by Poems about You

Handmade Watercolors by Ocean Paper

Artisan Gemstone and Mineral Watercolors by Wildthorne

I started a couple pieces with some natural earth pigments that I both foraged by our house and found on Etsy called Scribes of Ink and I am already in love. The connection to nature is incredible and the richness of the pigments are divine. I also love the idea of cutting down on my art supply waste and toxic materials. This is just the beginning of the journey for me and I hope to have more and more information and resources as the journey continues. Have you experimented with natural or earth dyes or pigments in your own art? If so, I would love to hear about your journey!


Globally Inspired Art Studio


Art Fundamentals Coming Soon!