Finding Inspiration Close to Home

Although far away destinations are very exciting, times have made us rethink travel plans. Jumping on an airplane and landing in some new country may not be as accessible at this time. How do we fill this travel itch and stay inspired by our day to day surroundings?

 I think one reason I love travel so much is that I crave change in our daily lives. Mixing up the routine can be so energizing! And that…you can do from anywhere! I love to seek inspiration for my art locally. Below are some ways in which I explore our own city and seek inspiration when I feel like I am in a creative rut.

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The British Museum, Guggenheim Museum, National Gallery of Art, Musée d’Orsay, Van Gogh Museum, The Louvre, The Vatican Museums are just a few museums that offerl virtual tours at this time. Enjoy the beauty of art and history from your home!

Colorado Residents - the Clyfford Still Museum, Denver Art Museum, Museo de las Americas, Museum of Contemporary Art Denver, Aspen Art Museum, Fine Arts Center Colorado Springs, ENT Center for the Arts, Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art, all offer a mix of virtual and in person visits with limited capacity and restrictions. If you are seeking an outdoor experience, head to the RiNo Art District or Museum of Outdoor Arts.

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We all are are creatures of habit. This can be good and bad. Sometimes we need to break the routine in order to spark creativity. Living in Colorado, we have lots of new trails to explore. We try to venture to new locations to get out of our normal routine. This helps us get out of our comfort zone and see new environments. Simply, jumping on a bike, taking public transpiration or driving in your car and taking a different route can also spark new ideas. You will see everything from a different view point!

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Pre-COVID, we would take a field trip once a week. In the summers, we would take them on Fridays and during the school year we would fit them in after school and work or over the weekends. In our area, many museums are offering limited capacity admission with restrictions. If you don’t have this access or you feel more comfortable at home, some of the best museums in the world are offering virtual tours at this time!


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The other day we went downtown and I was stunned by the amount of new outdoor art! Murals, sculptures, and installations popped up in so many new locations. I encourage you to take a walk in your town or nearest city and explore with a camera. Some of these murals can inspire your own work. Even the color palettes and patterns can stimulate new ideas!

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When we travel, I love to sit in the airport or at a local cafe and people watch. I find it fascinating to observe people. Mannerisms, emotions, the way people walk and talk are all so interesting. If you don’t feel comfortable taking photographs of subjects close up, you can either sit afar with a long lens or bring a sketchbook or art journal and practice portrait drawing. Some of my favorite travel supplies include an art journal, variety of drawing pencils, a mechanical pencil, micron pens, stabilo, watercolor sets, and travel water brushes.

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This is one of my favorites! Pack a picnic or pick up a meal from your local market or restaurant and head home, to your backyard, or to a local park to enjoy a change of scenery. I don’t know about you, but I have a stack of art and creative books that are on my list. I find it so much more enjoyable to read when sitting outside enjoying a nice meal. You can also pack a journal and practice your landscape or architecture sketches.

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I always get the BEST IDEAS when I am on the go. I typically don’t even have a piece of paper to write them down. So, I keep a list on my notes folder on my phone. Someone recently told me they have a designated idea box where they throw all the scrap pieces of papers with their ideas/words/or drawings. Some of the ideas will have great significance to you later and some don’t mean anything at all when you get back to them. But they may just spark something new. I also like to collect anything that inspires me. This may be a tear out from a newspaper or magazine, colors from a textile, a recipe, vintage scarf, etc. and I add this to my gallery wall or inspiration board. On the days that I feel like I am in a creative rut, I look to my list and wall to encourage me to create something new!

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Finally, if you are missing travel as much as I am…consider joining one of our Art Passports course where we virtually explore new places through art from the comfort of your home!


Art Prompts Inspired by Travel


Festivals from Around the Globe