Destination 02: Iceland - Cuisine


It’s time for our Art Passports Iceland cuisine! Being located inland and currently going through the COVID-19 epidemic, our access to some of the Icelandic ingredients were limiting to say the least. Even if we were in a coastal town, I think we would find it difficult to find fermented shark, puffin and horse outside of Iceland! When researching recipes there was certainly a theme to the country’s cusine…local, fresh, simple and accessible. I can totally resonate with this perspective on cooking! I am primarily vegetarian (adding in some seafood from time to time) so I always adjust my global cuisines accordingly or make extra vegetable sides when needed! You can certainly adjust your meals to fit your families dietary needs and likes! Since fish is a large part of the daily diet in Iceland, we opted to do a white fish and creamy langoustine or lobster bisque for our main meal. We selected Chilean Seabass but cod, salmon and haddock are very common throughout the country. We pan seared it with olive oil, butter, salt, pepper, lemon and topped it with capers. For the sides we had this argula salad and caramelized Icelandic potatoes. Below are a few additional recipes if you want to explore more. Enjoy!

Other Icelandic Recipes:

Icelandic Fish Soup

Icelandic-Inspired Recipes

Icelandic Pancakes


How do we select the next country to study? We do the old close your eyes and spin the globe trick! We have four people in our family and each of us gets a turn and then we decide as a family which country we want to explore next based on the places we spun. You could also draw straws or just select a place you have always wanted to travel to or learn more about!


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Destination 02: Iceland - Art & Family Projects