Gathering Ideas for my New Course

I love gathering materials for new projects or courses. I start with an idea or concept but it isn’t until I start putting it down that it really starts to come emerge. The idea can start as small as a word, a color, a pattern.

The first way I like to gather ideas is by starting a vision board (both digitally and on my wall), then I like to select a color palette and finally, do start sketching and working in my journal.

My Art Passports journey began with my family. We wanted to expand our horizons and learn about different countries even when we could not travel. So, we decided to study a country a month. We would work on arts and crafts, learn fun facts, find related books and videos, and then cook a meal from that country together. As time went on, I began doing more and more of my own art projects along with my kids. I wanted to share my techniques and experiences and art history I was learning with others.


Art Passports to Mexico Early Registration is OPEN!


Museo Frida Kahlo Free Virtual Tour