Guest Teacher for Renee Mueller's Network!

I am absolutely thrilled to announce I will be a guest teacher on Renee Mueller's network! Renee is such an amazing artist, person, mentor and muse to the art community. 


with Guest Artist & Teacher

Kristy Kensinger

Early Registration Through May 7th at Midnight EST

 Course Details

If you could jump on an airplane tomorrow and fly to Provence what would your ideal day look like? Through this course, we will virtually travel through the region of Provence exploring the scents and sights by way of art. We will discover our ideal day and embrace the beauty of our surroundings and studies in our art. Let's journey through the overflowing marche stands, wander the fragrant champs de lavande or lavender fields, visit hillside villages, and relax for a picnic all by way of art lessons.


Learn more on Renee's website by following the link below.

Questions about the class? Please email me at


Art Passports to Morocco Open!


Bringing Morocco Home