Travel Days Series - NYC Mixed Media Art Journal Lesson

I wanted to find a way to explore more places around the world through our art classes and lessons. We opted for a couple solutions. Here is what is new and coming your way!

Lets start our Travel Days Series with a mixed media journal trip to NYC! See below…


FREE Lessons and prompts that will be available through our newsletter on our blog and social media sites. Our first stop…NYC! Watch our lesson below.


We will have mini lessons that will be condensed in length to 2-2.5 hours, think “layover” lessons short enough to work on during your layover or lunch break. These will offer you a specific medium or subject matter on a destination. Stay tuned for our first mini class!


We will continue to offer our Art Passports classes which are 4-4.5 hours and length. If you are new to these classes, we virtually travel to new countries by way of art. These classes offer an in-depth view of a country where we study the people, the culture, the lands and history while exploring various mediums and subject matters throughout class.


We recently took a trip to NYC and Maine and I came back with lots of inspiration. NYC has an energy like no other! I absolutely love the diversity around the city, the variety of architecture, access to museums and theaters, and the incredible history behind the city, not to mention all the food! It is a ever changing city and each time you go you can find more to discover.

During this trip, I did no art and focused on enjoying the moment and brining along my Sony mirrorless camera to take shots to bring inspiration back home with me. One of my favorite ways to start connecting to my travels when I return home, is making some journal spreads on the area. I love creating a drawing or painting collage where I combine a variety of places we went to on our trip and then take notes aside the images. This is a great way for me to reconnect to my travels and keep a log of where we have been.

For this FREE art lesson, we will go through a few of our trip highlights using the following materials. Please feel free to follow along or add in your own personal favorites from the city. As always, I want you to use the materials you have on hand but I always like to include my supplies in case there is something new you want to add to your own art practice.

Stay tuned for more travel + art lessons on our newsletter and social media! I would love your feedback on what you want to see more of and where you want to virtually travel to by way of art!


Please browse through some of our photos below or visit our Unsplash collection for more ideas to inspire your journal spread.


Travel Days Series - Narok Kenya


Scotland Artist Travel Guide