Art Passports: Iceland Recap

It is that time again, a new month brings a new country for our Art Passports journey! This is always bitter sweet for me. I have a difficult time moving on from the country we just discovered but I look forward to exploring more places around the world! Iceland was a true beauty to discover. The majestic landscapes and rich history were a true inspiration for the projects and art this month.

I am elated to announce our next destination…Nepal here we come! Stay tuned.

If you just joined in, Art Passports is an art journey where we will explore a new country each month from your home or studio. We research and explore the landscape, history, flora and fauna, people, culture and cuisine through art projects. I will offer ideas for you to work

Iceland has landscapes that are nothing but majestic. It is no wonder it has been one of the top destinations for travelers in recent years. The greens, blues, and grays are apparent in almost all the scenery. You can really feel the depth of the country through these landscapes. The mosses and the northern lights almost take on a life form in themselves with neon and vibrant colors in contrast with the deep, dark tones of the soil and rock. I get a sense of solitude when I look at photographs of Iceland. I know the cities are bustling with life but the landscapes seem so untouched. Lets dive in and start creating!


Art Passports: Nepal Collection


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